21 марта – Всемирный день поэзии. По традиции мы отметили его объявлением конкурса, посвящённого этому событию. К сожалению, в этом году День поэзии совпал с введением режима самоизоляции, ребята и преподаватели столкнулись со сложной ситуацией. Однако, несмотря на это, ученики порадовали нас своими оригинальным стихами. В конкурсе участвовали, в основном, младшие школьники, многие из которых написали стихи-шутки. Спасибо всем ребятам, приславшим стихи! Спасибо за ваш энтузиазм! Мы надеемся, что вы и в дальнейшем будете развивать свои таланты и интерес к английскому языку!
Представляем Вашему вниманию работы наших учеников.
Tanya Nikolaeva 10b
The spring`s coming
Streams`re running,
Streams`re singing
And ice`s melting
And My heart`s melting too.
And even a stamp`s dreaming to become a tree again
On an April Day.
Happy bumblebee`s singing the spring song.
Happy starlings`re screaming with joy.
Starlings`re screaming in all directions.
The spring`s coming, make way for spring!
Alexander Buryak 10b
Me & my Dog
I live in the flat with my dog,
I’m eating hotdog, not my dog,
I think this is so and so joke
But my favourite animal – dog.
My dog’s eating pizza on sand,
It’s doing without demand
I’ll do with a poem my best
But after we both need a rest
I live in the flat with my dog,
And each day I smile a lot
I’m thinking about foodblog
But my dog’s still waiting hotdog.
Gabdullin Timur, 10b
I love pets
I love pets:
Dogs and cats.
They are cute
And not rude.
They`re popular in the Internet
And especially the cat.
Not the cat itself guys
And his kittens.
They are very nice.
Dog are also popular
In the Internet they`re regular.
Puppies are too cute,
They are absolute.
Kadeev Elisei, 8a-2
Wait for me, and I`ll be back
Savchenko Artem 10 b
Where`s my pet
Where's my little hare?
Look! Under the chair
Where's my little fox?
Look! In the box
Where’s my dog?
Look! In the kitchen.
Polina Fedorova, 14 - B1
A Петрушка
Went to деревушка.
There was a речушка.
She met a strange зверушка
His strange name was Mad Хрюшка
They decided to went to the опушка
While they were going, they saw a пастушка.
Sasha Kudasova, 9b
Small dino
There`s a vet
Who once met
A small dino
Called Marik.
He adopted the dino
Roman Andreev, 9b
True or false?
I’m looking at a cat,
It's wearing a hat,
I'm looking at a sheep,
It's driving a jeep
I'm looking at a snake
It's eating a cake
I'm looking at a bee,
It's drinking tea
Do you thinks it's true?
I don't believe that too.
Fedor Podolskiy, 13d
I’m a tree
I’m a tree.
I like sun
Look like a bee
And doesn't like fun,
Always drinks tea
And always dress in one
With green pea
Who wants to run.
Albert Rudinskiy, 13d
This is Albert
And this is Albert's desk
And this is the floor on which Albert's it stands
And this is the school where it is
And under it is the ground
Danila Kuzin, 13d
School life
In the school I have friends,
But no time to sleep
Dream is a wonderful feeling,
When you just relax
But the school is soon over,
And you can go home
But when you come home,
You should do your homework
Kadeev Elisei, 8a-2
A frog and a dog
A frog and a dog
Lived with a mouse
In a house.
They made honey
And got money.
Eva Fedorova, 7a
I`ve got a cat
I have got a cat.
My cat has got a hat,
It’s hat is red
Lev Fedorov, 7a
My cat
I have got a cat
My cat is red
My cat sleeps on my bed
In my room
Sonya Litovkina, 8a-2
I'm a bee
I'm a bee
Sitting in a tree.
I see a cake
Made for me.
Ania Fabelinskaia, 9b
We have fun
Today we see the sun
And we have fun
We are everyone
We had a run
Sasha is number 1!
Ruslan Karimov, 8a-2
Great fun
It’s great fun
To go out and run
Alina Frolova, 8a-2
A hen
A hen with a pen
Once wrote about a boat
With a dog that likes a hot dog.